North American Permaculture Convergence

by Jillian Hovey, EPT delegate At the International Permaculture Convergence in Cuba this past December, an Open Session group met to discuss a possible “U.S.” convergence. I showed up, as I thought it was important to have the event include Canada, as we are often “eclipsed” by the “Americans”: we are very aware of them,… Continue reading North American Permaculture Convergence

NAPC – North American Permaculture Convergence

North America’s first convergence may not have had the flash of a Renaissance Festival, but the content of the presentations and conversations eclipsed even the intermittent thunderstorms and driving rain. Brilliant minds, diplomatic discourse, and energy by Dan Halsey The 2014 North American Permaculture Convergence was held at Harmony Park in southern Minnesota, USA. Attendees… Continue reading NAPC – North American Permaculture Convergence