Portugal Diploma system

[work in progress - needs support in editing and formatting]

Notes of a presentation given by Leslie Martin follow:

  • Leslie did a diploma in the UK, then moved to Portugal about 13 years ago
  • Portugal is very hungry for information
  • 4000 participants on website
  • Portugal operated under the wings of the British PC Association
  • A second tutor was trained when it was required, so now there are two  diploma tutors in Portugal
  • They felt the need to simplify the system and to make it cheaper (many people are unemployed)
  • The system works via Training Credits. Students have to collect 200 points (at least 80 on design, 70 on training credits)
  • There are a network of projects recognised by the organisation

The Diploma Path - PDC as the Starting Point

  • People often have project, that drives them to participate in PDC, then go back to project
  • Other people want to continue their studies. For this, there are “diploma meets.”

Diploma Meets

  • Participants receive feedback on own projects
  • Explanation of Portugese system
  • Currently no registered students, but soon
  • Decision for training: not so much the paper but more the support / focus to their work


  • € 275
  • 2 tutors (one can be virtual)
  • 2 virtual assessments, 2 actual assessments
  • More assessments have to be paid for by students

Virtual Assessment
- Feedback on portfolio

Training Credits
- Obligatory participation, to be able to teach later

Interim Assessment
- Only with 1 tutor (face to face) on 4-5 projects

Final Assessment

  • With both tutors
  • 10 projects