Virtual Conference

Attend EPT Meetings LIVE or watch recorded sessions*

One of the projects of the partnership is to establish a system for virtual conferencing for permaculture teachers in Europe.

We use Internet technology to save time, energy and resources on traveling to spend instead on better design and projects in the field. By 'going virtual' we will also empower permaculture teachers who wouldn't be able to participate otherwise.

We will use virtual conferencing for all the transnational partnership meetings and also (because of limited resources) selected presenations at EUPC.

ATTENDING the conference

  • NO SIGN-UP is required
  • just click the conference title, select "Launch class" and you will be asked for your name (for identification, if conference enables asking questions..)
  • simply close the window when finished

*recordings courtesy of Nodo Espiral (SPAIN), thanks to Domen, Stella & José

EPT1: Eschenrode 5-7 August 2012

Selected presentations

Country Presentations

From the 1st Meeting in Germany
Monday, August 06 2012 | 9:42 AM (W. Europe Standard Time)
starts at minute 18

Group Work

From the 1st Meeting in Germany
Monday, August 06 2012 | 4:30 PM (W. Europe Standard Time)


From the 1st Meeting in Germany
Monday, August 06 2012 | 5:56 PM (W. Europe Standard Time)


*Not part of the EPT programme, but still available for testing purposes.
You can check full programe at EUPC site and we will be adding links to virtual conferences below.

Day 1, Wednesday 1 August

Day 2, Thursday 2 August

Day 3, Friday 3 August

Day 4, Saturday 4 August

The Virtual Conference system is courtesy of Permaculture Academy, Nodo Espiral (SPAIN). Thank you Stella and José!