PDC as the Starting Point
- People often have project, that drives them to participate in PDC, then go back to project
- Other people want to continue their studies. For this, there are “diploma meets.”
Diploma Meets
- Participants receive feedback on own projects
- Explanation of Portugese system
- Currently no registered students, but soon
- Decision for training: not so much the paper but more the support / focus to their work
- € 275
- 2 tutors (one can be virtual)
- 2 virtual assessments, 2 actual assessments
- More assessments have to be paid for by students
Virtual Assessment
- Feedback on portfolio
Training Credits
- Obligatory participation, to be able to teach later
Interim Assessment
- Only with 1 tutor (face to face) on 4-5 projects
Final Assessment
- With both tutors
- 10 projects
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