Journey of the Latvian Permaculture Association

By: Arturs Polis, Co-founder of the Latvian Permaculture Association Despite the fact that the European Permaculture Teachers Partnership never got accepted by the Latvian National agency, thus leaving Latvia (and Italy) out of the project, Latvian permaculturists have been working since then and are ready to share the common journey now. There were only 4 PDC holders in… Continue reading Journey of the Latvian Permaculture Association

PLANT – Follow-Up to EPT

PLANT stands for Permaculture Learning Action Networking & Training. It wants to be the extension of the UK LAND project to the European Continent. In April 2014, an application was submitted to the ERASMUS+ EU funding scheme in order to pursue this objective. Here you can find a summary of the PLANT application: Permaculture is… Continue reading PLANT – Follow-Up to EPT