The Netherlands

Educational Structures in The Netherlands The Netherlands doesn’t have a central organization for permaculture or permaculture education. There are individual permaculture teachers and several schools that provide permaculture courses and PDC’s. There is no dutch diploma pathway,  a group of teachers has started to develop this for the Netherlands and Belgium. A teachers training college… Continue reading The Netherlands

Educational Structures

Educational Structures The objectives of the Educational Structures group are: To share information about various national permaculture education systems and qualifications frameworks; To establish a pan-European network of permaculture teachers and organisations; To mutually support the national organisations to form networks to set up or improve their educational systems and structures; To support in developing… Continue reading Educational Structures

Spain Educational Structures

There is no a National Permaculture Association in Spain where all Spanish Permaculture teachers can merge together. There have been some temptatives of working together, but they haven´t been as inclusive, continued and sinergic as we would expect. So from our learning during the EPT, we have created a google map where every initiative can… Continue reading Spain Educational Structures

Bulgarian – Educational Structures

Permaculture educational structures in Bulgaria Commented by Mihael Kossev, 16.10.2012 (via mail) The situation of permaculture education in Bulgaria is quite particular. There is no regulation or system. It is even difficult for the core group of people to meet, because many of them have outside jobs, families, etc. There is also other methods such… Continue reading Bulgarian – Educational Structures

Finland – Educational Structures

An overview There is no formal national level permaculture organization in Finland. However, there are increasing possibilities for permaculture education and also more and more people get educated abroad or online. The network is growing and many self-organized learning events are popping up. A conversation about national level organization has been going on for some… Continue reading Finland – Educational Structures

Sweden – Diploma System

GUIDELINES FOR QUALIFICATION. All subject to successful completion of the 72 hour Permaculture Design Course; qualifying period can be prior to the course provided it is permaculture-related.   Site design.   10 designs recorded on paper (or justification of larger projects).   Site development.   At least 3 years involvement, but can be just one… Continue reading Sweden – Diploma System

Permaculture Education in Europe – our work so far

Primary activity “Educational structures”. It samples, presents and discusses the different ways in Europe to proceed to the Diploma of Applied Permaculture Design, but is also looking at other ways of education: courses, students´support and the way organisations are built which provide PC education. what was going on so far: During the meeting in Slovenia… Continue reading Permaculture Education in Europe – our work so far

Educational Structures

The objectives of the Educational Structures group are: To share information about various national permaculture education systems and qualifications frameworks; To establish a pan-European network of permaculture teachers and organisations; To mutually support the national organisations to form networks to set up or improve their educational systems and structures; To support in developing organisational structures… Continue reading Educational Structures

(Nederlands) Docentenopleiding MBO, Ba, Ms & PhD

In samenwerking met Permacultuur Academie Zutphen organiseert AARDWERK een nieuwe opleiding voor mensen in permacultuureducatie, op MBO, Bachelor, Master en PhD niveau. Een 4-jarige opleiding met verschillende varianten voor  full-time en part-time studenten. In de brochure vind je nadere informatie over het concept van deze integrale opleiding met differentiatie binnen groepsverband. PAZ:Aardwerk PermaEducatieOpleiding NL v0.6 (PDF)… Continue reading (Nederlands) Docentenopleiding MBO, Ba, Ms & PhD

An Irish example of National Permaculture Certification

In Ireland, the education certification body is called QQI.  This body is the merger of the former awards councils, called the Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) and Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC). The National Framework of Qualifications

Educational Structures in The Netherlands

The Netherlands doesn’t have a central registry for permaculture or permaculture education. There are a number of individual permaculture teachers as well as some organisations that employ permaculture teachers. Permacultuurschool Nederland The largest permaculture school, in terms of number of graduates is no doubt Permacultuurschool Nederland, founded by Taco Blom and Ishy Crosby. It is… Continue reading Educational Structures in The Netherlands

Nomad Permaculture as a Non-Structural Education

Javier Alba from France presented : I would like to present myself as a person who’s working on the question of nomadism and its place in permaculture. My reflection deals with this theme on a down-to-earth basis for I’m asking: “What is a nomad, a traveling person, actually doing in permaculture where the physical link… Continue reading Nomad Permaculture as a Non-Structural Education

Portugal Diploma system

[work in progress – needs support in editing and formatting] Notes of a presentation given by Leslie Martin follow: Leslie did a diploma in the UK, then moved to Portugal about 13 years ago Portugal is very hungry for information 4000 participants on website Portugal operated under the wings of the British PC Association A… Continue reading Portugal Diploma system