Educational Structures in The Netherlands

netherlands-windmillThe Netherlands doesn't have a central registry for permaculture or permaculture education. There are a number of individual permaculture teachers as well as some organisations that employ permaculture teachers.

Permacultuurschool Nederland

The largest permaculture school, in terms of number of graduates is no doubt Permacultuurschool Nederland, founded by Taco Blom and Ishy Crosby. It is located in Utrecht (run by Maranke Spoor) and Kasteel Nieuwenhoven in Sint Truiden, Belgium (run by Taco Blom). It is formally run by Cooperatie voor Permacultuur, with the Permacultuurschool Nederlands as its only member.

Permacultuur Academie Zutphen / Atelier Aardwerk

A recent development is the Permacultuur Academie Zutphen (PAZ), founded by Mirjam Olsthoorn and Pedro Duarte. Atelier Aardwerk (Leo Bakx) is developing a permaculture teachers college in association with PAZ, supported by Fontys Lerarenopleiding Tilburg.

A preliminary prospectus and year plan for Atelier Aardwerk Teachers Training College:

PAZ offers full-time and part-time vocational permaculture education, in cooperation with established institutes. Negotiations are ongoing.

Atelier Aardwerk announced to start full-time, part-time and possibly online (MOOC) courses from April 2014.

The PAZ/AA initiative is supported by national and international experts in permaculture, teaching, life and design sciences.

Diploma Pathway

A diploma pathway is in development as of 2012. An initiative of Irma Abelskamp, Leo Bakx, Leo de Groot and Monique Wijn. Others may participate in the development - to be confirmed. Setup of the Dutch diploma pathway is supported by the UK Permaculture Association.