Introduction to educational structures


One of this project’s aims has been to create an overview of educational structures that are currently being in place in the different countries of Europe. This information has  been made  available through this website.  When making the overview, we have captured existing and emerging support structures in Permaculture education and teachers’ training in the different European countries, such as:

  • Introductory courses and workshops
  • Basic permaculture courses (PDC's)
  • Diploma pathways
  • Advanced courses
  • Integral & comprehensive courses
  • Teachers’ register
  • Tutor & senior tutor register
  • Apprenticeships & internships

The objectives of the Educational Structures group are:

  • To share information about various national permaculture education systems and qualifications frameworks;
  • To mutually support the national organisations to form networks to set up or improve their educational systems and structures;
  • To support the development of organisational structures and working practices in countries with no or emerging structures.

In the countries section you will find:

  • Presentations of national educational structures;
  • Different pathways towards the diploma in applied permaculture design (check in your country);
  • SWOC (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Constraints) analysis of educational structures in Europe;
  • The results of interviews made in May 2014 in Denmark that show the evolution of national permaculture organisations.
  • Links to and info about to the national organisations.

In the assessments of the EPT 2012/14 section you will find:

  • [Coming Soon] A table with links towards European permaculture organisations, with information about diploma pathways, diploma holders, permaculture design courses, introduction courses and specialised courses;
  • An overview of the SWOC Analysis of the different countries
  • A document with interactions between elements of educational structures that you can use and play with to improve your organisation;
  • Links to global diploma pathways