Program of the York Introduction to Permaculture Course

  • What: York Introduction to Permaculture Course
  • When: 17-18 April 2004 
  • Tutor: Andy Goldring

We will start promptly at 10am on both days, please try to arrive around 9.30 so we have time to settle in before we start. Bring food to share for lunch, magazines, books or other materials of interest, and warm clothes as we will be going for a walk on Saturday.


9.30 Arrivals, tea and settle in. 10.0 Opening circle – introductions, welcome, housekeeping, timetable, expectations. 10.30 Permaculture in a nutshell – overview and starting points. 11.0 Break 11.20 Ethics and principles (including a game and small group work) 1.0 Lunch 2.20 Observational walk – ‘everything is a gift’ 3.0 Video – ‘In grave danger of falling food’ 4.0 Questions and answers 4.30 Thinking piece for evening contemplation – ‘Me, my greatest asset’. 4.45 Closing round


9.30 Arrivals, tea and settle in 10.0 Opening circle – an observation or question about what we did yesterday. 10.30 Permaculture and gardening, with short slide show 11.30 Break 12.0 Design tools and techniques 1.0 Lunch 2.0 Design groups and survey 2.45 Designing on paper 3.30 “Working break” – time to grab a cup of tea and finish off! 4.00 Design presentations 4.30 Where next? and time for last questions 4.50 Closing round