Results and Outcomes

  1. A pan-european network of teachers to cooperate on the delivery of permaculture to adult learners is established
  2. Foundation laid for improvement of professionalism & practice of existing permaculture teachers and for confidence & personal sustainability of new permaculture teachers in countries where permaculture is emerging
  3. Brochure about the various educational structures in Europe available online (pdf-brochure)
  4. Various national permaculture education organisations’ processes & support mechanisms discussed (and where applicable developed & improved with support of network)
  5. European permaculture teachers' network expanded, diversified and strengthened.
  6. Subject knowledge of new permaculture teachers improved & deepened by visiting projects and seeing practical solutions - evidenced by evaluation questionnaires at intervals during the project
  7. Booklet about Best Practice published (pdf-format)
  8. Teachers' handbook (pdf-format) published (comprising latest pedagogical ideas, methods, curricula, strategies for widening participation)