Third Day at Friland Meeting

Target groups of a permaculture design course

Like every morning, we formed the opening circle to start off the day, where everyone shared something learned the day before. The morning was dedicated to working on widening participation when designing permaculture courses. The aim is to reach different audiences that are not usually represented in permaculture courses. The topics were chosen from a survey that had been passed among the members of the partnership. The topics covered in the session were:

Best Practice in Permaculture

LANDIn this primary activity group (of the Partnership) we focus on the presentation of Permaculture projects visited during the learning partnership. We interviewed representatives of each project on the basis of a questionnaire we prepared, and we collected feedback from participants of the learning partnership.

PLANT - Follow-Up to EPT

Alan Thornton in Berlin during the first meeting about PLANT

PLANT stands for Permaculture Learning Action Networking & Training. It wants to be the extension of the UK LAND project to the European Continent. In April 2014, an application was submitted to the ERASMUS+ EU funding scheme in order to pursue this objective. Here you can find a summary of the PLANT application: Permaculture is a globally used design approach that creates sustainable human habitats by following nature's patterns.