
Micro-teach session: Basics of Ecology

A summary of a micro teach with Primož by Andrew Zionts.

Ecology is a science which explores interactions among organisms and their interactions with the environment.

Drawing an illustration on the ground of a number of elements such as sun, rain, plants, soil, bee, spider, fox, rabbit, fungi, flower, to represent the following features of an ecosystem.

Movement of Energy Illustrate with arrows flowing starting from the sun, and connecting all the flows

Cultivating Learning in the Future


During the 5th EPT meeting in Spain from 24th till 28th September in Mas Franch we have identified with a World café technique which are the questions and answers leading the partnership to its future activities after the end of the Leonardo Da Vinci’s funding in July 2014. Here is the result from the Cultivate learning primary activity session. The first question asked within the group itself was "How do we continue further" and there were 5 suggestions raised:

Spain Meeting – Saturday 28 Sept 2013


Day 5 was a long one, with most people moving from Mas Franch to Can Masdeu, where we enjoyed a site tour (along with another group of American students) and an incredible meal before heading to Barcelona centre to visit Aurea Social and learn more about that project.  The day ended on the beach where we met with people from Permacultura Barcelona and enjoyed yet another lovely meal. Some photos follow below. 

Spain Meeting - Friday 27 Sept 2013

Course participants during a blurry moment

Day four was more restful, but the schedule endlessly busy with meetings on the future of the partnership, collaborating with others, and feeding back on the days gone by, interspersed with 'contemplation in motion' (shown right) and witnessing many people hit by a 'zombie virus'. For the body, activities included collecting firewood in the forest, swimming in the natural pool, morning Yoga and of course, the essential celebration.