Widening Participation

EUPC in Bulgaria

Permaculture Ball Rolls Rapidly down to the shores of Lake Batak
Permaculture Ball Rolls Rapidly down to the shores of Lake Batak

In Bulgaria this month, the team of volunteers who are participating in the first-of-its-kind, FREE, year-round PDC have completed a detailed site analysis of this year's location of the European Permaculture Convergence. 

PLANT - Follow-Up to EPT

Alan Thornton in Berlin during the first meeting about PLANT

PLANT stands for Permaculture Learning Action Networking & Training. It wants to be the extension of the UK LAND project to the European Continent. In April 2014, an application was submitted to the ERASMUS+ EU funding scheme in order to pursue this objective. Here you can find a summary of the PLANT application: Permaculture is a globally used design approach that creates sustainable human habitats by following nature's patterns.