Czech Republic


Educational Structures in Czech Republic 

The CZ Permaculture Association has recently created Permaculture Academy (Akademy Permakultury) which is a platform for CZ Permaculture teachers  to support their courses. A monthly newsletter advertises various courses offering Permaculture education. Diploma pathway exists, yet has to be reviewed and presented to the Permaculture community to elevate invest in Diplomas in CZ.

Table of contents

Update – How have the Permaculture Educational Structures changed in Czech Republic in the years 2012 – 2014?

Nearly two years of this european wide partnership have passed by. One of the objectives was “Developing the capacity of organisations to deliver courses, and thereby employ permaculture teachers.” We wanted to see if the partnership and its activities have brought changes to the (national) organisation and the spreading of permaculture in general in their country. Therefor we interviewed our partners on the meeting in Denamrk in may 2014. It was an open form of interview with these underlying questions: 1) Has the interest into pc increased in your country (if yes, why) and how do you respond to this? Yes, there has been a growing interest in permaculture because people are realizing that permaculture can give them more tools to be more self-reliant and self-sufficient. People are interested in growing their own kitchen garden, natural building and all other aspects of permaculture. People from cities are looking forward to living in the countryside and having a greener lifestyle. 2) Do you have more active pc teachers in your country now/ are more foreign teachers coming to your country to deliver courses? Yes, we do have more active teachers since 2012. We set up Permakulturmí Akademie and there is also more courses being offered. We started to advertise, in 2014, courses with two foreign teachers for 2015 and 2016. 3) What has your organisation learned from the presentations/exchange with other national organisations? I think one major thing was the diploma pathways, content and curricula, and also the LAND/PLANT project. We have set up a network of permaculture demonstration projects on a national level. 4) Has there been changes on your national level (organisation wise) and in the pathway to diploma? In terms of organisation wise there has been an improvement in the communication and finding the division of responsibilities for different projects, and also there have been several permaculture teachers meeting on a national level. At the moment there have not been any changes on the pathway to diploma. top