An Exercise: Patterns

Photo by <a href="">SullySilly
Spiral Pattern photo by Sully Silly

Why are patterns important?

  • They are easy to remember.
  • They are portable and so can be used anywhere.
  • They are universal so they fit changing circumstances.
  • They are strong because they bind their elements together ('geodesic strength', tesselation).

Patterns can be physical, behavioural or structural. Other ideas: A pattern I use well: A pattern I would like to change: Some Permaculture patterns worth remembering:

  • Start small start local
  • Maximum diversity
  • Many functions in each aspect, many alternatives for each function
  • Everything is a gift
  • Liabilities into assets
  • The problem is its own solution
  • Success comes in cans - not cannots
  • There is enough for all if we take what we need, not to feed our greed
  • Yield is unlimited
  • Observe and follow the example of nature
  • Care for land, people, and all life
  • Maximum output for minimum intervention
  • Think in five dimensions - three physical planes, time and relationships