
EUPC in Bulgaria

Permaculture Ball Rolls Rapidly down to the shores of Lake Batak
Permaculture Ball Rolls Rapidly down to the shores of Lake Batak

In Bulgaria this month, the team of volunteers who are participating in the first-of-its-kind, FREE, year-round PDC have completed a detailed site analysis of this year's location of the European Permaculture Convergence. 

Micro-teach session: Basics of Ecology

A summary of a micro teach with Primož by Andrew Zionts.

Ecology is a science which explores interactions among organisms and their interactions with the environment.

Drawing an illustration on the ground of a number of elements such as sun, rain, plants, soil, bee, spider, fox, rabbit, fungi, flower, to represent the following features of an ecosystem.

Movement of Energy Illustrate with arrows flowing starting from the sun, and connecting all the flows

Next Meeting in Denmark

Friland Permaculture

The next EPT meeting will be in Denmark, at the intentional community Friland, on 26th of May to 1st of June 2014. We look forward to welcoming you all here! The focus of the meeting will be around finalising the Teachers' Handbook and the other primary activities, outreach beyond the permateachers' group, as well as looking ahead to the time after the partnership ends. Already plans are being discussed and opportunities are being checked out. So come and take part in this important work!

Cultivating Learning in the Future


During the 5th EPT meeting in Spain from 24th till 28th September in Mas Franch we have identified with a World café technique which are the questions and answers leading the partnership to its future activities after the end of the Leonardo Da Vinci’s funding in July 2014. Here is the result from the Cultivate learning primary activity session. The first question asked within the group itself was "How do we continue further" and there were 5 suggestions raised: