Didactic Analysis

A Book Review Exercise: "A Selection of Wise Words"

by Joel Rosenberg 

Context:  I've used this method with master level art & design & architecture students when running an intensive one week workshop called "Foraging and Gardening in the City" in Helsinki, Finland 2011-2013. This method can be used on a PDC too.

Duration: Part I. 30min. + Part II. 5min./student (12 students = 60min.) 

Description: Before the session the teacher selects a number of books that she/he thinks could be helpful for the students.

Winter School Outline

Using an a-frame during a permaculture course

A Winter School is described in the linked file that is run in  12 sessions of 4 hours (excluding travel) spread over 6 weeks. Design exercises in different contexts allow students to hone design skills and learn meta skills. The file is a course outline - a work in progress with some obvious items lacking such as student hand-outs and rubrics, to be updated as the course unfolds. Language: English File: Winter School Format - Design Course

Introducing How to Teach Patterns with Kirsty

(Note: This session would be best to give early in a PDC. The session plan for this session can be found at the bottom under "Resources") 

Time needed:  Best as a one-hour session, possibly longer. It can be flexible to fit the time available. Introduce the topic of patterns to the class and state why it is important in Permaculture. Invite the group to step up to the square paper sheets (different sizes) and ask how many times they can fold in half. Keep going until you can’t go further. Ask if there are any common experiences?