Rivers of Life

Entered by (name) Cathrine Dolleris
Entered by (email) catshop [at] gmail [dot] com (catshop[at]gmail[dot]com)
Name of method Rivers of Life
Name Author
Email author
Tags permaculture introduction getting-to-know-each-other history
Style Introduction
Image 2
Image 3
Attachments What, Who, How.pdf
Attachement 2
Attachement 3
Resources needed
Context At the beginning of the course
Content Sharing life stories

Minimum participants 1
Maximum participants 32
Minimum duration (minutes) 16
Maximum duration (minutes) 77
Learning outcomes By the end of the session, participants will have had an opportunity to reflect on the journey that has led them to this course, and a greater knowledge of other participants and their journeys and backgrounds
How to use 1) Introduction, 1 min:
Teacher: Read session objectives.
Students: Listen

2)Task, 10 min:
Teacher: You have 10 minutes to make a creative drawing that shows the journey you have made in your life that has brought you to this course. Mark significant events, lessons or insights, and present it within the theme of a river that flows. Add your name to the poster.
Students: Finish chart

3)Contribution e.g. 16 students*2 = 32 min
Teacher: Each person has 2 minutes to introduce themselves and tell us one or two significant events that brought them to this course. Students: Present and listen

4) Conclusion, time 2 min:
Teacher: Something inspiring. Our rivers join for 8 days, let's make it a significant event in our river of life. Encourage people to look at each others posters today.
Students: Listen

What is expected to happen? Participants get a sense of their rivers of life flowing together
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