Educational Structures

Finland - Educational Structures

An overview

There is no formal national level permaculture organization in Finland. However, there are increasing possibilities for permaculture education and also more and more people get educated abroad or online. The network is growing and many self-organized learning events are popping up. A conversation about national level organization has been going on for some time.


There are national communication channels hosted by volunteers, a study group in Helsinki and recurring unofficial gatherings in many cities.


Sweden - Diploma System


All subject to successful completion of the 72 hour Permaculture Design Course; qualifying period can be prior to the course provided it is permaculture-related.


Site design.


10 designs recorded on paper (or justification of larger projects).


Site development.


At least 3 years involvement, but can be just one site. Process of attaining sustainability for the site should have started. Documentation preferred.

(Nederlands) Docentenopleiding MBO, Ba, Ms & PhD

In samenwerking met Permacultuur Academie Zutphen organiseert AARDWERK een nieuwe opleiding voor mensen in permacultuureducatie, op MBO, Bachelor, Master en PhD niveau. Een 4-jarige opleiding met verschillende varianten voor  full-time en part-time studenten.

In de brochure vind je nadere informatie over het concept van deze integrale opleiding met differentiatie binnen groepsverband.

PAZ:Aardwerk PermaEducatieOpleiding NL v0.6 (PDF)