
An Exercise: What is Energy

Stove from Graham Bell

Most of us have heard at some time in our lives, E=mc². Some of us know that it’s the basis of Einstein's theory of special relativity. A lot fewer of us know what that means!  But you don’t need to. From a permaculture perspective the key point behind the theory is that matter can neither be created, nor destroyed.  And the same is true of energy.  Designing efficient systems is all about how we manage energy. There are three main kinds of energy we need to be concerned about:

VAK Learning Styles Self-Assessment Questionnaire

This is a questionnaire for students to self-assess their learning styles. Contributed by Aranya and developed by Victoria Chislett

VAK Learning Styles Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Circle or tick the answer that most represents how you generally behave.

(It’s best to complete the questionnaire before reading the accompanying explanation.)

1. When I operate new equipment I generally:

  1. read the instructions first

A Book Review Exercise: "A Selection of Wise Words"

by Joel Rosenberg 

Context:  I've used this method with master level art & design & architecture students when running an intensive one week workshop called "Foraging and Gardening in the City" in Helsinki, Finland 2011-2013. This method can be used on a PDC too.

Duration: Part I. 30min. + Part II. 5min./student (12 students = 60min.) 

Description: Before the session the teacher selects a number of books that she/he thinks could be helpful for the students.

Winter School Outline

Using an a-frame during a permaculture course

A Winter School is described in the linked file that is run in  12 sessions of 4 hours (excluding travel) spread over 6 weeks. Design exercises in different contexts allow students to hone design skills and learn meta skills. The file is a course outline - a work in progress with some obvious items lacking such as student hand-outs and rubrics, to be updated as the course unfolds. Language: English File: Winter School Format - Design Course

Permaculture in Brief

A presentation used as elevator pitch for audiences new to permaculture. File: Permacultuur in het kort 1 Language: Dutch Author: Leo Bakx Aardwerk, 2010 (CC: BY-SA) Time: 15 - 30 minutes plus Q&A time. Preceded or followed by a practical activity indoors or outdoors. Finished by pot-luck lunch, morning/afternoon tea or dinner - whatever is appropriate. Can be used as on-screen presentation or printed on paper and used as flip-over.