Davie Phillip

The name of your business: Web page link: http://www.cultivate.ie http://www.thevillage.ie Contact info: davie [at] cultivate.ie     What is your Livelihood? Your role? It’s a difficult question to answer, I have many roles and many streams of livelihood. As a portofolio worker, engaging in many fields, I haven’t been employed for twenty years but has always… Continue reading Davie Phillip

PLANT – Follow-Up to EPT

PLANT stands for Permaculture Learning Action Networking & Training. It wants to be the extension of the UK LAND project to the European Continent. In April 2014, an application was submitted to the ERASMUS+ EU funding scheme in order to pursue this objective. Here you can find a summary of the PLANT application: Permaculture is… Continue reading PLANT – Follow-Up to EPT