Examplifying the use of interactive formats in permaculture education

Microteach session: Examplifying the use of interactive formats in permaculture education as presented at EPT, September 2013, Mas Franc, Catalunya by Fransjan de Waard fdewaard@xs4all.nl The presented format is called the ‘Consensus Workshop‘, and is part of the ToP work -Technology of Participation – as developed by the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA). This is… Continue reading Examplifying the use of interactive formats in permaculture education

Micro-teach session: Community Resilience

Community Resilience: Exploring how communities can thrive in these challenging times. A summary of a micro teach with Davie Philip – by Andrew Zionts I’m interested in using video tools and media in class plans introducing teaching resilience in PDCs. I’m particularly interested in how we frame the concept of resilience and its importance, framing… Continue reading Micro-teach session: Community Resilience

Micro-teach session: Community Supported Agriculture

Framing a context for a social permaculture of creating livelihood. A summary of a micro teach with Davie by Andrew Zionts. I’ve been largely inspired by Berkana, more information on this can be found at www.berkana.org. Berkana describes the two loop theory, the first of which is the typical loop of “peak everything” which is… Continue reading Micro-teach session: Community Supported Agriculture

Micro-teach session: Abundance games

This post describes how to teach a game called “Resource Line” (and is a summary of a micro teach session with Mirka by Andrew Zionts at the Barcelona meeting). The lesson plan is as follows: Aims: To discover more about each other’s knowledge and skills. To create more beneficial connections between participants. To explore the… Continue reading Micro-teach session: Abundance games

Micro-teach session: Basics of Ecology

A summary of a micro teach with Primož by Andrew Zionts. Ecology is a science which explores interactions among organisms and their interactions with the environment. Drawing an illustration on the ground of a number of elements such as sun, rain, plants, soil, bee, spider, fox, rabbit, fungi, flower, to represent the following features of… Continue reading Micro-teach session: Basics of Ecology

Permakulttuurin suunnittelun periaatteet

PERMAKULTTUURIN SUUNNITTELUN PERIAATTEET Permakulttuurin Suunnittelun Periaatteet David Holmgrenin mukaan: 01 – OBSERVE AND INTERACT – TARKKAILE JA VUOROVAIKUTA Toimiva suunnitelma syntyy luonnon ja ihmisten välisestä harmonisesta vuorovaikuksesta, jossa huolellinen havainnointi ja tarkkaan harkittu toiminta tuottaa halutun tuloksen. Hyvä suunnitelma syntyy jatkuvan vastavuoroisen vuorovaikutuksen myötä, se ei voi syntyä eristyksessä ympäristöstä. 02 – CATCH AND STORE… Continue reading

Permaculture is permanent culture when you read the environment right.. Outi Tuomela (2010)

Nykyihmiselle luonnon lukeminen ei ole enää niin selvää kuin se voisi olla. Australialaiset permakulttuurin “isät” David Holmgren ja Bill Mollison tiivistävät ideologian ajatuksen seuraavasti: “Creating sustainable human habitas by following nature’s patterns” eli kestävät elinympäristöt luodaan seuraamalla luonnon omia malleja. Vaikka luonto opettaa kaiken aikaa, me emme ehkä osaakaan lukea tai tulkita sitä. Samoin on… Continue reading Permaculture is permanent culture when you read the environment right.. Outi Tuomela (2010)

Permaculture in Brief

A presentation used as elevator pitch for audiences new to permaculture. File: Permacultuur in het kort 1 Language: Dutch Author: Leo Bakx Aardwerk, 2010 (CC: BY-SA) Time: 15 – 30 minutes plus Q&A time. Preceded or followed by a practical activity indoors or outdoors. Finished by pot-luck lunch, morning/afternoon tea or dinner – whatever is appropriate.… Continue reading Permaculture in Brief

Permaculture is a Design Philosophy

Design (noun) a specification of an object, manifested by an agent, intended to accomplish goals, in a particular environment, using a set of primitive components, satisfying a set of requirements, subject to constraints; (verb, transitive) to create a design, in an environment (where the designer operates) – wikipedia Even though the Rational model is most… Continue reading Permaculture is a Design Philosophy

Forest Gardening

Hur skapar vi en skogsträdgård? Första frågan till gruppen: Vad kan ni om detta? Folk tror att det är en skog som man planterar i. Men viu skapar den från ingenting, non? En skog vi skapar med ätliga träd, plantor och olika arter Foof forest: Matskog vs Forestgarden: Skogsträdgård Många lager, funktioner, element… Mat skog… Continue reading Forest Gardening

Educational Videos: Ecological and Social Landscapes

Permaculture teacher Helder Valente, based in Portugal, has created a collection of educational videos about how to relate to ecological and social landscapes. They are freely available here on YouTube. The topics include, for example, food forests, kitchen gardens, pedagogy in education, celebration, design, soils, water management, permaculture events, teacher training and more.

Session Plan: Teaching PC Design Principles the Open Space Way

Shared by Antonio Scotti, As. Cambium Permacultura en Formación, Spain, October 2103 In this session, I use Open Space Technology as an inspiration to design a session about the teaching of the design principles for large groups, where some of the participants may have some prior understanding of them, and can help the others who… Continue reading Session Plan: Teaching PC Design Principles the Open Space Way

(Español) Apuntes Curso Diseño en Permacultura

Casa Gaia-Ecoherencia, Cádiz 2011-2012 Aquí tenéis un resumen de los apuntes del I Curso de Diseño Modular de Permacultura en Cádiz (2011-12), organizado por Casa Gaia y Ecoherencia. El contenido es una visión personal de lo esencial del curso, redactado por alumnos. Este es el resultado de un ingenioso trueque que nos funcionó bastante bien.… Continue reading (Español) Apuntes Curso Diseño en Permacultura

Sample Session: Permaculture Ethics

Given on Wed 25 Sept 2013 by Joe Atkinson, UK, at Mas Franch, Spain A french write-up of this workshop is also live. Opening question: The teacher asks if the students know the ethics of permaculture, and if they can explain what they mean for them. Afterwards, the teacher summarises the main points, and can… Continue reading Sample Session: Permaculture Ethics

Beginnings and Endings

How do you start a course? How do you end it? Discover some ways here: Check-in Next steps / What now? Tree of life Web of connections Web of life exercise Group process skills Role play Active listening / thinking Introspection / meditation Facilitated visions / dreaming International PC Introduction to PAB & Diploma Introduction… Continue reading Beginnings and Endings